
Fritz Trainer DVDs

348 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 348 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 348 products
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The evergreen PhilidorThe evergreen Philidor
ChessBase The evergreen Philidor
Sale priceFrom $25.00 Regular price$39.95
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A Repertoire against the Queen's Gambit Declined with 4.Bg5A Repertoire against the Queen's Gambit Declined with 4.Bg5
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Improve Your Pieces: A Winning System You Need to Know - RB RameshImprove Your Pieces: A Winning System You Need to Know - RB Ramesh
ChessBase Improve Your Pieces: A Winning System You Need to Know - RB Ramesh
Sale priceFrom $25.00 Regular price$39.95
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Calculation Training - Sharpen Your Game!Calculation Training - Sharpen Your Game!
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Power Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgamePower Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgame
ChessBase Power Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgame
Sale priceFrom $20.00 Regular price$32.95
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Endgame essentials you need to know Vol 1 & 2 - Surya GangulyEndgame essentials you need to know Vol 1 & 2 - Surya Ganguly
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Endgame essentials you need to know Vol 1 (Rook + Pawn vs Rook) - Surya GangulyEndgame essentials you need to know Vol 1 (Rook + Pawn vs Rook) - Surya Ganguly
Time Management in Chess - Regina Theissl-PokomaTime Management in Chess - Regina Theissl-Pokoma
Chess Stars From IndiaChess Stars From India
ChessBase Chess Stars From India
Sale price$112.95
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Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.9 - French - Tarrasch
ChessBase Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.9 - French - Tarrasch
Sale priceFrom $22.00 Regular price$39.95
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Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - WinawerUnderstanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - Winawer
ChessBase Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.8 - French - Winawer
Sale priceFrom $22.00 Regular price$39.95
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Understanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - Dynamic CatalanUnderstanding Middlegame Strategies Vol.7 - Dynamic Catalan
The Sharp Scandinavian with 3...Qd6
Basics of Chess Strategy Vol 1Basics of Chess Strategy Vol 1
ChessBase Basics of Chess Strategy Vol 1
Sale price$31.95
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Basic Opening Strategy - RisBasic Opening Strategy - Ris
ChessBase Basic Opening Strategy - Ris
Sale price$31.95
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Weapons against the Caro Kann Vol. 2
ChessBase Weapons against the Caro Kann Vol. 2
Sale priceFrom $20.00 Regular price$32.95
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Weapons against the Caro Kann Vol. 1: Panov and Two KnightsWeapons against the Caro Kann Vol. 1: Panov and Two Knights
ChessBase Weapons against the Caro Kann Vol. 1: Panov and Two Knights
Sale priceFrom $20.00 Regular price$32.95
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Beat the French Defence with the Advance VariationBeat the French Defence with the Advance Variation

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