CHESS Magazine - January 2021

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All the regular features of the UK's best-selling CHESS magazine and more! Regular features include: How Good is Your Chess? by GM Daniel King, Saunders on Chess, Find the Winning Moves, Never Mind the Grandmasters..., Studies, Home & Overseas News, Forthcoming Events Calendar and Book Reviews.

In this issue:


Malcolm Pein on the latest developments in the game

60 Seconds with...Rajko Vujatovic ..............................................................7

The Pro-Biz regular certainly enjoyed his win against Garry Kasparov

So Skilful..................................................................................................................8

Wesley So stunned Magnus Carlsen at the Skilling Open

How Good is Your Chess?..............................................................................14

Daniel King looks at a very impressive victory by Jeffery Xiong

Reviving 4...f5....................................................................................................17

FM Stefan Bücker presents a daring line against the Ruy Lopez

Find the Winning Moves.................................................................................20

The latest puzzles from the 4NCL Online and Skilling Open

Symphony in A Major......................................................................................24

John Saunders recalls when the Major Open didn’t play second fiddle

Following our Heroes ......................................................................................26

Ben Graff explores why we might prefer flawed challengers

Christmas Quiz...................................................................................................30

Some challenging positions and fun trivia from Graham Phythian

Keep the Class in Classical ............................................................................32

Terry Chapman begs to differ with Magnus over classical chess

Mindsports Centre: The Time is Now!.....................................................34

Hammersmith’s John White explains how chess needs to act

Winter Warmers.................................................................................................36

Sean Marsh presents more of the best books of 2020

Two Problematic Cornishmen .....................................................................40

Bob Jones delved into the colourful life of Henry Adamson

The Other Kind of Luck..................................................................................44

David LeMoir shows that resources can sometimes just appear

Never Mind the Grandmasters... ................................................................48

Carl Portman imagines Hercule Poirot watching a chess game

Murder in 22.......................................................................................................50

Can you solve this retrograde puzzle faster than Geoff Chandler?

Home News..........................................................................................................51

There will be a Hastings GM event, but with a difference

Overseas News...................................................................................................52

More from Skilling and success in China for Richard Rapport

Solutions ...............................................................................................................54

This Month’s New Releases ..........................................................................55

Hacker on the Sicilian is reviewed, as are works by Gelfand and Nunn

Saunders on Chess............................................................................................58

John on how Rubinstein was almost stunned by HG Rhodes

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