The Hedgehog vs the English/Reti - Lysyj & Ovetchkin

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The Hedgehog vs the English/Reti by Igor Lysyj, Roman Ovetchkin

Paperback, 434 pages

In the last five years we have been observing a noticeable trend of the chess elite to evade the warn off central pawns moves 1.e4 and 2.d4 in favour of 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. Naturally, lower ranked players eagerly followed in the leader's footsteps - indeed not only Carlsen and Kramnik tired of struggling against the Berlin wall or exhausting themselves in futile attempts to refute the Grünfeld.

This book offers to meet the new challenges to Black by building an English Hedgehog formation. The authors not only recommend a contemporary move order after the ditch has been set, but they also explain how to reach this goal with various move orders for White. The book is all the more convincing as it is based on the successful practical experience of one of the authors.

ISBN: 9786197188134, Chess Stars

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