1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2: Classical Systems - Felix Blohberger

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1.Nf3: A Reti-Grandmaster course for strategic understanding and flexibility Vol.2: Classical Systems by Felix Blohberger

Looking for a versatile and strategic opening repertoire that doesn’t rely on memorizing endless variations? In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3. Whether you’re a club player or a seasoned competitor, this course offers a

solid yet dynamic approach that adapts to various playing styles and opponents. Instead of forcing lines, Felix emphasises deep positional understanding and flexible structures, making it easy to transition into systems like the Réti or the English Opening. His recommended King’s Fianchetto provides a strong, reliable setup, perfect

for players who prefer strategic play and flexibility rather than memorising long, complicated lines.

In this Volume we discuss the Classical Systems where the pawns are placed in the centre: 1… c5, 1…d5, Classical Variation (d5, Nf6, e6, Be7, 0-0), Tarrasch Defence & Triangle System. 

4 h 20 min video running time (English)

The product contains an activation key for:

  • ChessBase training App (Download and installation for Windows and Mac)
  • ChessBase-Books (Online version for web browsers)
  • Video stream for iPad, tablet, PC etc. in the ChessBase video portal

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