The Killer Sicilian: Fighting 1e4 with the Kalashnikov - Tony Rotella

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The Killer Sicilian: Fighting 1e4 with the Kalashnikov - Tony Rotella

Paperback, 464 pages, Everyman Chess

Are you searching for a new weapon against 1 e4? Look no further - choose the Killer Sicilian!

In this book, opening expert Tony Rotella presents a Sicilian repertoire for Black, the backbone of which consists of the Kalashnikov Variation. The Kalashnikov is an ideal choice for those looking to take up the Sicilian. Black follows an easy-to-learn system of development, with clear strategic aims. What's more, in many lines Black can choose between aggressive and positional options. It's no coincidence that the Kalashnikov has attracted such attacking talents as World Championship candidate Teimour Radjabov and multi-time US Champion Alexander Shabalov.

Rotella critically examines the main lines and lucidly explains the key positional and tactical ideas for both sides. He also shows what Black should do against White's various Anti-Sicilian options. Read this book and unleash the Killer Sicilian!

  • A Killer Sicilian repertoire for Black
  • Also includes Anti-Sicilian coverage
  • Packed with new ideas and critical analysis.

About the Author Tony Rotella is an experienced correspondence player, teacher, analyst and openings theoretician, from Ohio, USA.

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