Roman's Lab 9: Comprehensive Chess Endings part 2

Format: Physical Disk
Sale price$20.14
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GrandMaster Roman Dzindzichashvili, former two time US & Russian Champion, and chess coach/trainer for world champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov, shows you how to play for a win or draw in these types of end games: Lessons in Volume 9:

  1. Queen vs King & Pawn
  2. Queen vs Rook
  3. Queen vs Knight & Bishop
  4. Rook vs 2 Pawns
  5. Rook & Pawn vs Bishop & Pawn
  6. Rook & Pawn vs Bishop & Knight
  7. Pawn & Bishop vs 2 Rooks
Roman recommends that you learn and understand the end game so you will know ahead of time whether it is won, lost or drawn. These lessons by Roman will help you determine whether you should go into the endgame or avoid it. GrandMaster Roman Dzindzichashvili
  • Former two time U.S. Champion & Russian Champion
  • World Open Winner, Writer & Teacher
  • Former Chess Coach & Trainer for World Champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov
Total running time over 2 hours

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