Tragic Life and Short Chess Career of James A. Leonard - Hilbert

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The Tragic Life and Short Chess Career of James A. Leonard by John S. Hibbert (Hardback)

Paperback , 223 pages

About the Book
The Civil War affected the entire American landscape in ways not always fully considered. It determined the political future of a nation—but also its scientific and cultural development. The war cost America many of its best and brightest in every realm. James A. Leonard was one such loss: a brilliant up-and-coming chess player in 1861–62 before he made the decision to serve his country during wartime.

Born November 6, 1841, Leonard was the son of a poor Irish immigrant—but even a poor child could play the game of kings. He grew up in a time when interest in chess was experiencing a revival, and contemporaries such as Paul Morphy, Eugene Delmar and Leonard’s mentor Philip Richardson captured much interest. Leonard defeated a number of the country’s best players and was widely viewed as the “New Morphy.”

This biography discusses what is known of Leonard’s life but concentrates primarily on his talent and his sadly shortened career. Game scores and diagrams from 96 games are included, with details of place, date and opponents.

About the Author(s)
John S. Hilbert is the author of a dozen books and more than 100 articles on chess history. He lives in Amherst, New York.

Other Book(s) by John S. Hilbert Available from McFarland:
Walter Penn Shipley
Emil Kemeny
Albert Beauregard Hodges

ISBN-13: 9780786495535, McFarland

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