1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate

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1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate - Fred Reinfeld
A 21st-Century Edition of a Great Checkmate Collection!

Paperback, 224 pages

Ask most chessplayers from the 'baby boomer' generation how they acquired and sharpened their tactical skills, and chances are a Fred Reinfeld tactics collection will be part of their answer. And now, for the first time, 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate is available in modern algebraic notation.

This may be the all-time great checkmate collection, with forced checkmate positions culled mainly from actual play. And Reinfeld's selection is simply marvelous, touching on all the important tactical themes.

In short, this is an outstanding book to hone your tactical abilities. It will help you recognize mating patterns, develop visualization skills, enhance imagination, and improve tactical sharpness. And now, with a modern 21st-century edition of this great checkmate collection finally available, there is no excuse for not only improving your tactical skills, but also enjoying yourself along the way.

About the Author
Fred Reinfeld (1910-1964) was for many years among the strongest chess players in the country. Even now as an author, he stands alone, one of the most successful and prolific chess writers of all time, with over one hundred books to his credit.

ISBN: 978-1-936490-82-0, Russell Enterprises

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