Bobby Fischer Rediscovered - Andrew Soltis

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Bobby Fischer Rediscovered by Andrew Soltis
Revised and Updated Edition

“Bobby Fischer...The precision and energy that he played with isunmatched in the history of chess.”
- Magnus Carlsen, World Chess Champion

Nearly 30 years since his last chess game, Bobby Fischer’s fame continues togrow. Appearing in Hollywood movies, documentaries and best-selling books, hislife and career are as fascinating as they ever were and his games continue togenerate discussion. Indeed, with each new generation of computer, stunningdiscoveries are made about moves that have been debated by grandmasters fordecades.

International Grandmaster Andrew Soltis played Fischer and also reported, as ajournalist, on the American’s legendary career. He is the author of many books,including Pawn Structure Chess, 365 Chess Master Lessons and What it Takesto Become a Chess Master.
  • An updated, expanded edition of the 2003 classic, with all 100 gamesreanalyzed, along with six additional games
  • This book covers the entire career of an American chess grandmasterand eleventh World Chess Champion, going well beyond hisMy 60 Memorable Games, and includes rarely seen “lost” Fischergames
  • With new insights into what made the enigmatic Fischer play – and act– the way he did
ISBN: 9781849946063, Paperback, 312 pages, Batsford Chess

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