Budapest Fajarowicz - Lev Gutman

Sale price$36.42
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Paperback 287 pages, Batsford Publishing 2004

The Fajarowicz variation of the Budapest Gambit (Nf6 2c4 e5 3 dxe5 Ne4!?) is one of Black's most exciting options against 1 d4. Established 'theory' has maintained a dim view of this line, which nevertheless has been a favourite of club players.

A study of the present book - the first ever comprehensive coverage of the Fajarowixz, hitherto neglected or improperly assessed by theory - will enable players of the Black pieces to seize the initiative and surprise their ill-prepared opponents.

With a slightly better theoretical reputation its popularity would explode. In this groundbreaking work, Gutman rehabilitates this ancient gambit with his usual creative and original analysis. A cult book in the making, it is a must for all club and tournament players.

A former second of Viktor Korchnoi, author Lev Gutman is an outstanding expert on opening theory. He is also an International Grandmaster.


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