CHESS Magazine - May 2023

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All the regular features of the UK's best-selling CHESS magazine and more! Regular features include: How Good is Your Chess? by GM Daniel King, Saunders on Chess, Find the Winning Moves, Never Mind the Grandmasters..., Studies, Home & Overseas News, Forthcoming Events Calendar and Book Reviews.   


To open these files you'll need a PGN reader or Chess software such as HIARCS Chess Explorer, Fritz, Komodo or Chessbase.    

In this issue:


Malcolm Pein on the latest developments in the game

A Stunning Start...................................................................................................8

The world championship match got off to an enthralling start

Solidarity ..............................................................................................................14

A special Adams-Volokitin match marked the UK’s support of Ukraine

How Good Is Your Chess? .............................................................................20

Daniel King enjoyed following the European Individual Championship

A Stunner! ............................................................................................................23

The Ginger GM may have played the game of the year so far

Improve Your Chess! .......................................................................................24

Martin Bennedik reveals’s unique new feature

60 Seconds With... Andrei Volokitin ........................................................25

We discover a little more about the Ukrainian Champion

Find the Winning Moves.................................................................................26

Can you do as well as the players at Cambridge and the 4NCL?

Improve Your Chess Mindset! .....................................................................30

Noel Studer ponders what the commonalities of chess improvers are

Don’t Forget About the Rook!....................................................................34

Brian Escalante presents an unusual and striking manoeuvre

How to Beat a Grandmaster.........................................................................37

Michael Adams has only once been defeated by Paul Littlewood

The other f7 Sacrifice ....................................................................................38

David LeMoir shows not only minor pieces can be sacrificed on f7

Easter Round-Up...............................................................................................41

All the news from a typically busy Easter weekend of chess

The other Mr Atkins.........................................................................................42

Neil Hickman reveals H.E. Atkins wasn’t the only Atkins

Never Mind The Grandmasters... ...............................................................45

Carl recounts his chess friendship with Graham Ashcroft

Forthcoming Events.........................................................................................47

Overseas News...................................................................................................48

A second brilliancy from Reykjavik and two great American slugfests

Home News..........................................................................................................53

IM Mark Orr returned to his old stomping ground of Bangor

Solutions ...............................................................................................................54

Full solutions to Improve Your Chess! and Find the Winning Moves

This Month’s New Releases ..........................................................................55

Sean Marsh examines new books from Everyman and JBV Chess

Saunders on Chess............................................................................................58

John’s faith in the value of team chess has been fully restored

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