Edmar Mednis Training Collection (4 Digital Downloads)

Sale price$43.58
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King & Pawn Endgames

In this DVD, GM Edmar Mednis - a recognized authority on the endgame - teaches the viewer the fundamentals of king and pawn endings, including: the importance of king activation, zugzwang, the opposition, and king triangulation.Mednis offers instructive examples involving passed pawns and outside passed pawns, connected pawns, separated pawns and doubled pawns, and pawn breakthroughs, providing the student with a thorough grounding in the basic principles and practical aspects of king and pawn endgame play.Total approximate running time: 108 minutes

Rook & Pawn Endgames

In this DVD, GM Edmar Mednis - a recognized authority on the endgame - teaches the viewer the fundamentals of rook and pawn endings, including: the importance of rook activation and rook placement, the Lucena position, and the Philidor position.Mednis offers instructive examples involving passed pawns and connected passed pawns, disconnected passed pawns, outside passed pawns, and more complex positions requiring conversion of a material advantage. The author provides the student with a thorough grounding in the basic principles and practical aspects of rook and pawn endgame play. Total approximate running time: 114 minutes

Middlegame Analysis

In this DVD, GM Edmar Mednis teaches you how to quickly make correct middlegame decisions.These decisions are based on adhering to the following guidelines: Playing according to the theme of the opening variation; Playing according to the strategic requirements of a middlegame position; Looking for tactical chances for you and your opponent; Following correct technique in winning positions, and; Knowing how to save bad positions.These guidelines are thoroughly explored and explained by the author, providing students the knowledge that will allow them to make their middlegame decisions with confidence.Total approximate running time: 120 minutes

Tactics: The Opening, Middlegame & Endgame

Be on your guard, and be alert! GM Edmar Mednis is your guide to the world of commonly occurring tactical traps and tactical motifs in all three phases of the game - the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame.Tactical ability is a prerequisite in all phases of the game. In the opening when development is in its early stages, one slip can be instantly fatal. In the middlegame, there is a myriad of tactical devices available to the well-practiced player in order to carry out the successful prosecution of his or her initiative. In the endgame, tactical solutions require concrete and accurate calculation.The knowledge that Mednis has distilled into this chess DVD is indispensable for the aspiring chess student.Total approximate running time: 120 minutes

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