First Steps: The King’s Indian Defence - Andrew Martin

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First Steps: The King’s Indian Defence by Andrew Martin

The King’s Indian Defence is one of the great classical counter-attacking openings. The most aggressive world champions (including Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov) have all scored brilliant knockout victories with this opening.

In this book the highly experienced coach international master Andrew Martin explains the basic ideas behind all the different variations that occur after 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6. The focus on strategic elements such as pawn structures, attacking plans and typical piece manouevres allows the reader to quickly gain an excellent feel for this complex opening.

First Steps is an opening series that is ideal for improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations. First Steps emphasizes:
  • the basic principles
  • the basic strategies
  • the key tricks and traps
First Steps books are based around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.

ISBN: 9781781944288, Paperback, 336 pages, Everyman Chess


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