Opening Pawn Structures: Advanced Concepts (Vol.2) - IM Danny Kopec

Sale price$23.00
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List $29.95Our Price $19.95Tired of memorizing opening variations? Continuing from where his previous DVD "Pawn Structures and How To Play Them" leaves off, internationally respected teacher - IM Dr. Danny Kopec - has created a landmark DVD (in two volumes) that uses a unique approach to enable you to improve your opening play.Dr. Kopec will show you how to develop effective middlegame plans based on opening pawn structures.Volume 2 (this volume) covers the Maroczy Bind, the Caro Structure, the Slav structure, Queen's Gambit structures, King's Indian and Benoni structures, and the Nimzo-Indian and French/Winawer-type structures.Total approximate running time: 122 minutes

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