Patrick Wolff 3 volume Improvement Course (Download Only)

Sale price$28.75
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Defense & CounterattackChess is a struggle! In this DVD, twice US Chess Champion GM Patrick Wolff (1992 & 1995) teaches the defensive techniques that have been developed by grandmasters.The author shows you how to: Defend and protect the weaknesses in your position and how to protect your king; Strengthen your position; Defend difficult and inferior positions: Beat off attacks, and assume the initiative; Develop counterplay using tactical and strategical methods, and much more.Wolff illustrates the key concepts he presents in this DVD by including deftly analyzed games from the Linares grandmaster tournament of 1994. Total approximate running time: 116 minutesHow To Play Winning AttacksIn this DVD, twice US Chess Champion GM Patrick Wolff (1992 & 1995) teaches the methods for planning, preparing and executing successful attacks against the enemy king.Wolff deals with attacks on the castled king and attacks on the king in the center, methods for provoking weaknesses in the opponent's position and how they can be exploited and attacked, and attacks involving the sacrifice of pawns and/or pieces.After examining typical mating patterns involving weak back rank, smothered mate, piece sacrifices against the castled king position, etc., the author progresses to more complex examples which will strengthen the student's appreciation for the attacking possibilities that are present in a chess position.Total approximate running time: 105 minutesMiddlegame Planning

In this DVD devoted to the middlegame, twice US Chess Champion GM Patrick Wolff (1992 & 1995) demonstrates how to best formulate plans and how to evaluate chess positions.Wolff deals with a variety of topics that have an influence on the objective evaluation of a position, including:Pawn Structures; Material versus Initiative; The imbalance in positions with bishop versus knight; Decisions regarding trading down into an endgame, and; Decisions based on short-term planning versus long-term planning.Total approximate running time: 178 minutes

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