Roman Forum Complete (7 DVD Download series)

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7 DVD links and 22 hours of instructionFeaturingArmed with Pawn Endgame EssentialsGM Dzindzichashvili teaches the important aspects of elementary pawn endgames including the opposition, and positions with pawn breakthroughs, outside passed pawns, potential outside passed pawns, and protected passed pawns.Minor Piece Endgame WeaponsGM Dzindzichashvili discusses the general principles of play in bishop endgames including bishops of opposite color endings.Pounding a Material AdvantageGM Dzindzichashvili presents the important theoretical positions that arise in endgames where one side has a material advantage, for example: Q v R; R v B; R v N; R v P; B + RP ("wrong-colored" queening square); N v P; and other material imbalances where zugzwang or stalemate (or avoidance of stalemate) are important factors.Pulverizing Pawn EndgamesGM Dzindzichashvili examines the tactical aspects of certain pawn endgames - ones that do not adhere to simple generalizations but instead involve accurate calculation in their resolution. Examples include the Reti Maneuver, stalemate themes, zugzwangs, gain and loss of tempo, relative king activity. This tape is an advanced sequel to Armed with Pawn Endgame Essentials.Pummeling Success in Unbalanced EndgamesGM Dzindzichashvili examines correct technique and calculation in the endgame using examples from grandmaster play. Examples include: R + P endgames; K + P endgames; bishop of opposite color endings; and unbalanced positions where concrete calculation and formulation of a winning plan is paramount.Running time: 4 hours 10 minutesFeaturingRolling with Rooks and PawnsGM Dzindzichashvili teaches the basic principles of elementary rook endgames including the critical theoretical R + P v R positions that are essential knowledge for all chessplayers (e.g., the Lucena and Philidor positions).Shattering Minor Piece EndingsGM Dzindzichashvili further examines bishops of opposite color endings, and discusses the general principles of play in B v N endgames.Slashing Advanced Endgame TacticsGM Dzindzichashvili analyzes several beautiful drawing resources in endgames which are apparently easy wins for the side with the material advantage. All of these examples are optically and esthetically satisfying, as the "losing side" pulls off the draw - seemingly against all odds and often in incredible fashion.Storming Victory in Irregular EndgamesGM Dzindzichashvili discusses endgames with material imbalances including: defense based on fortresses in positions with Q v 2 minor pieces; Q (+ P) v R (+P); endgames with the advantage of the Exchange; bishops of opposite color endgames; B v N endgames; N v Ps; R v Ps.Warring Endgame TacticsGM Dzindzichashvili examines tactical solutions (including decoy, stalemate, perpetual mate threats) in certain endgames of type R v P and R v Ps; bishops of opposite color endings; N + P v B; pawn endings; and R + B v R.Running time: 4 hours 10 minutesAnd Much more!

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