Roman's Lab 34: Mastering The Opening Series, The Nimzo Indian Defense

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A Repetoire for Black to meet The Queens GambitFeaturingThe Contemporary Shield of the Nimzo IndianGM Dzindzichashvili continues his coverage of the Nimzo-Indian Defense from Black's perspective, examining systems such as the Saemich Variation (4.a3), the 4.f3 Variation, and important "anti-Huebner" systems such as the Rubenstein (4.e3 c5 5.Nge2), and the Petrosian (4.e3 c5 5.Bd3 Nc6 6.Nge2).The Legendary Shield of the Nimzo IndianGM Dzindzichashvili provides the viewer with a solid Black repertoire based on the Huebner variation of the Nimzo-Indian Defense. In this video he also covers (from Black's perspective) coverage of the 4.Nf3 Variation (followed by g2-g3) and the Leningrad Variation (4.Bg5).Ambushed by the Bogo IndianGM Dzindzichashvili provides the viewer with a compliment to his Nimzo-Indian repertoire as he shows the viewer how to deal with 3.Nf3 by employing the Bogo Indian (3...Bb4+). His recommended lines for Black involve variations beginning with 4.Bd2 Qe7, and 4.Nbd2 0-0.

Running time: 2 hours 32 minutes

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