Roman's Lab 6: Rapid & Complete Opening Repertoire for the Tournament Player for BLACK

Format: Physical Disk
Sale price$20.14
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Roman guides you through concepts and strategies made famous by the Russian Schools of Chess. Based on his own games Roman recommends solid active lines to meet e4, d4, c4, and Nf3. Your study time will be cut dramatically as Roman gives you the best and most solid responses for BLACK. This video was designed for the player who does not want to spend a lot of time studying and still achieve good results. For lines against e4 Roman recommends d6, Nf6, and e5. There is very little theory to remember. Solid and active positions. Against the Queen's Gambit, Roman recommends the Nimzo-Indian Defense. Roman also gives you his best lines to meet the English, Trompowski, and Knight f3. Recommended lines are safe active lines to get you into a comfortable Middle Game. Total running time over 2 hours GrandMaster Roman Dzindzichashvili

  • Former two time U.S. Champion & Russian Champion
  • World Open Winner, Writer & Teacher
  • Former Chess Coach & Trainer for World Champions Gary Kasparov & Anatoly Karpov

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