The Seven Deadly Chess Sins - Jonathan Rowson

Sale price$35.00
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Paperback, 204 pages, 2015 Gambit Publishing


Everyone loses chess games occasionally, but all too oftenwe lose a game due to moves that, deep down, we knew were flawed. Why do wecommit these chess-board sins? Are they the result of general misconceptionsabout chess and how it should be played? And how can we recognize the warningsigns better? In this thought-provoking and entertaining book, Jonathan Rowsoninvestigates, in his inimitable style, the main reasons why chess-playerssometimes go horribly astray, focusing on the underlying psychologicalpitfalls: thinking (unnecessary or erroneous); blinking (missing opportunities;lack of resolution); wanting (too much concern with the result of the game);materialism (lack of attention to non-material factors); egoism (insufficientawareness of the opponent and his ideas); perfectionism (running short of time,trying too hard); looseness ("losing the plot", drifting, poorconcentration).

Jonathan Rowson became Scotland's third grandmasterin late 1999, within months of graduating from Oxford University. He wasrunner-up in the 1997 European Junior Championship, Scottish Champion in 1999,2001 and 2004, winner of the Canadian Open in 2000, winner of the HastingsPremier 2003/2004, and British Champion in 2004 and 2005. In 2006, he won theBritish Championship for an extraordinary third year in succession.

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